


Version 1.0: August 11, 2024


This End User License Agreement (EULA, hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is issued by kern Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and applies to typefaces sold through kern typefaces / store.kern.inc (hereinafter referred to as "our Store").


By purchasing our typefaces, the Purchaser agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Upon purchase, you become a licensed user of the typefaces and are granted the right to use them. However, all rights, including copyright and intellectual property rights, remain with the Company. If you violate any terms of this Agreement, the Company reserves the right to revoke the license and the associated data usage permissions. Furthermore, if any violation results in social or economic damage to the Company, the Company reserves the right to seek damages.

License: Desktop

  1. Definition
    A Desktop License grants the right to use the typeface for static designs such as logo design, graphic design, and editorial design, as well as dynamic designs including films, television broadcasts, music videos, and vlogs.
  2. Scope
    The purchaser is allowed to use the typeface for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
  3. Usage
    A Desktop License permits the installation of the typeface on your local devices for the purpose of design creation. If you intend to upload the typeface data to a server for generating designs or displaying the typeface to viewers, a different type of license is required.
  4. Exceptional Usage
    If you use our typefaces within an online editing tool that does not require uploading the typeface to a server and instead operates by reading local data, the Desktop License applies.
  5. Number of Licenses
    You must purchase the same number of Desktop Licenses as the number of people using the typeface.
  6. Installation
    If you use the typeface across different devices, you may install it under a single Desktop License, provided it is shared through a secure, non-public cloud storage or other environment where third parties cannot duplicate it.
  7. Transfer
    It is strictly prohibited to transfer, sell, or sublicense the rights of this license, purchased individually, to any third party without permission.
  8. Group Purchase and Distribution: Permitted
    For corporations or organizations, a designated person (hereinafter referred to as "Representative") who is in a position to ensure compliance with this Agreement or who has been delegated the authority to do so may purchase multiple licenses on behalf of the organization and distribute them within the organization. Once distributed, this Agreement is established between the Company and the Representative. The Representative is responsible for overseeing the adherence of the recipients to the terms of this Agreement. Since it is difficult for the Company to monitor the compliance of the recipients, any disputes regarding the execution or breach of this Agreement within a corporation or organization must be handled through the Representative or their agent.
  9. Group Purchase and Distribution: Prohibited
    The purchaser is not permitted to distribute the typeface license to clients or other business partners. Independent corporations or organizations must each have their own Representative to purchase and distribute licenses. If you cannot oversee the compliance of the recipients, do not conduct group purchases or distribution.

License: Trademark

  1. Definition
    This license pertains to the process of trademarking logos, titles, taglines, slogans, etc., that are created using our typefaces.
  2. Permission
    To file and register a trademark, you must obtain an additional license beyond the Desktop License by entering into a supplementary agreement with our company. For more details, please contact us through the contact form.
  3. Rights
    The trademark registration license is non-exclusive. Even after you have entered into this license agreement, other purchasers may contract for all licenses and file trademark applications.
  4. Exclusive Agreement
    If you wish to secure exclusive rights, including trademark registration for a specific typeface, you must enter into an exclusive usage agreement. However, any usage rights acquired by other purchasers before this agreement was finalized will not be revoked. For further details, please contact us through the contact form.
  5. Disclaimer
    Our company assumes no responsibility for the outcomes of trademark applications.

License: Other

  1. Definition
    The "Other" license refers to formats that involve embedding or distributing our typefaces on the web, in applications, on servers, or in other similar environments.
  2. Provisional Measures
    Since this agreement may be amended or expanded to address the specific nature of the products we offer, there is currently no comprehensive regulation for the items mentioned in section 1. If you require this type of license, please contact us through the contact form.


  1. Definition
    Adaptations refer to altering, modifying, or adding to any part of the typeface.
  2. Permissible Use
    You are allowed to edit the outlined data of selected characters from the typeface to create short text strings such as logos, titles, taglines, or slogans, with the aim of enhancing the harmony with your intended expression.
  3. Prohibited Use
    Reverse engineering the typeface data for analysis and modification is strictly prohibited. Consequently, adapting the typeface for longer text strings, such as sentences, paragraphs, essays, or similar, is effectively forbidden.
  4. Rights
    Any derivative work (hereinafter referred to as "derivative work") created through adaptation will grant us rights equivalent to those of the author of the derivative work. You are only permitted to adapt and publish the derivative work for the uses defined in section 2. Offering the derivative work to third parties, whether for free or for a fee, is strictly forbidden.
  5. Revocation
    We reserve the right to demand the cessation of public use or display of any derivative work that, upon review, is deemed inconsistent with or divergent from the original typeface. To avoid this, the author of the derivative work should seek prior approval from us.


  1. Overview
    We are committed to ensuring that our typefaces are used in ways that uphold the rights and dignity of both our company and our customers. The use of our typefaces by the following organizations or for the following purposes is strictly prohibited.
  2. Representative Examples
    • Racial discrimination
    • Gender discrimination
    • Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
    • Discrimination based on physical or mental characteristics
    • Discrimination based on religious beliefs
    • Sexual or mental harassment
    • Hate speech or incitement to hatred
    • Fake news or misinformation
    • Network marketing
    • Promotion of violence or illegal activities in the real world
    • Violation of privacy or defamation
  3. Additional Notes
    In addition to the examples listed in section 2, the use of our typefaces must comply with public order and morality. This includes adhering to socially accepted ethical standards. Please respect individual beliefs and values and avoid infringing on the rights or feelings of others.

Warranties and Liabilities

  1. Any defects in this agreement or the typeface data will be addressed through revisions to the terms or corrections to the data.
  2. We do not accept any returns or refunds under any circumstances.
  3. We shall not be held liable for any social or economic losses or damages incurred by the purchaser due to the use of our typefaces.
  4. We shall not be held liable for any social or economic losses or damages incurred by the purchaser due to the cessation of the use of our typefaces.
  5. In the event that legal obligations require us to pay damages, the amount of such damages shall be limited to the cost of the license obtained.


  1. Overview
    This agreement may be revised without prior notice.
  2. Scope of Application
    License holders are subject to the terms of the agreement that were in effect at the time of purchase. For example, if licenses are subdivided in the future, purchasers who acquired their licenses before the revision will continue to use the fonts under the original terms.