kern typefaces

kern typefaces is a type foundry project that started in 2024.

While working on numerous identity designs, we initially focused on selecting fonts that harmonize with symbol marks. Subsequently, aiming for more advanced integration, we began creating custom typefaces. Currently, we are developing unique logotypes with about half of our partners.

In this project, we will present a collection that incorporates various insights gained during this process. Our initiatives include offering products that quickly reflect trends, contain many experimental elements, and involve collaborations with creators, providing a platform to deliver these directly to you.

  • Unlock

    Start Small,
    Grow Big.

    We will expand the number of characters, styles, and features based on sales volume. This approach shortens the lead time from creation to release, and for high-demand series, we prioritize completing them alongside the production of new works.

  • Community

    Create Together.

    Through an exclusive Discord community for purchasers, you can discuss with us and other buyers. Please post your feedback on the fonts and your requests for future releases!

    We will also keep you updated in real-time on the latest information and development status of each series.

  • Up-to-date

    The Journey Has
    Just Begun.

    Creating dozens of characters is not as easy as crafting a few for a logotype. However, we are not afraid of failure and will continue to release, verify, and incorporate feedback post-release, much like software. Of course, all updates will be provided to purchasers free of charge.


We'll keep you informed about updates and developments regarding kern typefaces.